Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dive RIGHT in...

Thank you M for your awesome post here we go...

One thing I do have to say is that I DO NOT LIKE SHARING PERSONAL INFORMATION! So, this blog in itself is a HUGE challenge for me, but a good challenge at that. I personally find that the more I research, the more I learn, the more I experience and the more I help others helps my anxiety GREATLY. I have vowed to share it ALL for this blog and for the purpose of helping someone learn a bit more about themselves and about ANXIETY!

My anxiety started when I was 17 and sort of BLEW UP in my face. I imagine it being something like a seed inside me that had been fed with negativity for years and then blossomed into this awful thing we’ve all name “anxiety”. This was about 12 years ago and ever since I have been strapped into this crazy roller coaster…trying everything imaginable to get the HELL OFF! As it would be easier for me to depend on drugs and alcohol to remedy the feelings that fester deep in my brain and my belly, I’ve decided to take the “bit-more-difficult” rout and tackle this naturally and holistically.

I know what you might be thinking at this point in this post…your anxiety is telling you “holy shit…yeah right…good luck…whatever lady”. Tell that anxious ego of yours to pipe down a second because this is real as real gets and I am here to HELP! Don’t you want to accomplish a happier anxiety-free life? I DO! This is why I have worked my ass off experimenting, reading, researching, learning and giving things a chance to help! Nothing is going to help you unless you let that guard down and are open to a little change…a little upset…a little let down…and a little TRIUMPH!

The way anxiety has affected me has been primarily SOCIAL. I’ve avoided, excused, created stories and have pretty much tried to burry myself in my bed…in my room…under the covers and away from everyone I love and who loves me. It is a daily challenge for me to GET UP and get to work where my brain tells me “HEY…everyone hates you here”. In fact, I have convinced myself that most the population hates me, I annoy most or that I am unworthy of love and everything happy and wonderful. When I step back and assess how my brain has abused me I get pissed. How did it get to this, how did this happen and WHY is my brain such a cruel creature??? I still don’t know why I was given this gift/blessing/cruel joke/curse. It is a mystery that will never really make sense to me, but I am passionate about finding a solution and a muzzle for the thoughts that swirl in my head daily.

My anxiety likes to keep me secluded. I have lost numerous friends over thoughts that they hated me, were against me or were going to hurt me. When I let my anxiety have free reign of my mind and my body it gets to the point where I get paranoid. I have thoughts of people following me, people waiting for me in my home or people devising a plan to hurt me. I’ve gone as far as calling my fiancĂ© from a Dunkin Donuts afraid that the man sitting and reading his newspaper was following me. HOW CRAZY?! Right? At the time these things are happening it makes sense and I am in such a low and dark place that it is the only thing that makes sense to my brain.

Another part of my anxiety is linked to a little OCD. When I feel out of control or my anxiety has me swirling I grasp onto little rituals, all centered around germs (YUCK). It is easier to keep this under wraps and to hide from people and I have JUST started telling people about it and talking about it as if it’s normal. The more I get it OUT the easier it is for me to recognize and help myself. When I am not feeling balanced or grounded I need to keep from touching others who might be carrying germs, washing hands too much and staying away from those people who I judge as “unclean”. I am not proud of that fact that I judge others in such a way and when my anxiety is subdued I am open and accepting of everyone (trust me…I’m NICE)! This is my anxiety’s way of still keeping me at a distance from EVERYONE. To be perfectly honest EVERYONE is dirty to me when my anxiety needs something to grasp onto. This keeps me out of large groups, away from busy stores and making excuses as to why I can’t attend a friend’s party at that time.

I grew up with a father in law enforcement who has seen, first hand, the bad and the ugly. I was his only daughter and in an effort to keep me safe and protected he would teach me how to keep myself safe. I learned to close the blinds a certain way so someone couldn’t watch me, I learned to look over my shoulder without really turning my head, I learned how to yell for help, I learned how to carry my keys, I learned what people might try to do, where they would enter the house and how. By NO MEANS do I blame my father for starting this, but in his efforts to keep me SAFE I turned it around in my brain as all these people were coming after me. Why, you ask? WHO KNOWS! I pride myself on knowing what to do in different situations, but I OBSESS about these thoughts. I cannot walk down a parking lot at night without practicing everything I’ve learned.

…SO that is pretty much the gist of my anxiety and how it affects me. I am SO very grateful for my parents, my fiancĂ© and my brother for all their continued support along the way. Without them I really don’t know where I would be (probably still in bed). Don’t get me wrong, I am still OPENING up to them so it is a learning process for everyone, but to be able to speak to them about my struggles creates a great support system for me. I believe STRONGLY that the process to feeling better is linked directly to building the support around you…telling everyone you truly love that you are struggling with ANXIETY!

…Your anxiety is popping up again, right? Almost done… :)

I don’t believe this is a permanent feeling that I am “stuck with” and therein lies how I combat it head on. I try to stay as organic, holistic and all natural as I can and am continually experimenting with supplements and natural products to try and lessen my anxiety. I am also a huge advocate of YOGA. Yoga has done such AMAZING things for me…that I became a certified yoga instructor! Why not spread the love and help others with something that has helped me TREMENDOUSLY. I have also become a trained LIFE COACH to spread a little MORE LOVE and get other’s lives on the path they have always wanted them. Creativity is also my outlet and canvas and paint are my medium. To sit with some canvas and paint is, for me, sitting anxiety free.

It helps me to help YOU! This is how M and I came together…I was there for her to HELP with her anxiety. That relationship has turned around and we equally help each other now…and it is pretty AWESOME! My life is not perfect and don’t claim to have the cure for anxiety, but I have come a VERY LONG WAY!

So don’t be afraid to OPEN yourself, tell us your story, ask questions or just talk! We are here to take advice and give it as well.

Peace, love, hugs…C  :)

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