Friday, October 12, 2012

Panic Stricken

Hey all, it's M!

Just wanted to stop in and share a story. This afternoon while on the tail end of my work day, I started to feel as though I couldn't breath (what's new?) and I let the feeling carry me away. I was having negative thought after negative thought, and it spun me into a full blown panic attack. What if I have diabetes and my sugar is out of whack? I know it! My brain doesn't have enough oxygen because I'm so tensed up and I'm going to have a stroke.........

 As many of you know once this happens, forget about it, you are lost inside of your own head. I began to get dizzy, felt shaky, and really thought I was going down (a huge fear of mine!) right in the middle of taking care of all of these children. I somehow managed to get through the last 15 minutes in shear panic and made it to my car....sadly I didn't feel like bothering anyone with my petty moment and loss of control! (which is a place I fall short many times...if I could talk about it more freely with more people these issues wouldn't feel so daunting. This is why we want to spread more awareness!)

It was then that it hit me! Why did I let my thoughts take that one single body sensation that far? I know better than that, and I could have stopped it sooner. These are the pitfalls that happen to us, those who truly grapple with anxiety and who need the wires in their brain reworked. Once I got to my car I had enough sense to stop myself and do what I needed to do to get myself down. First of all changing my environment helped and distracted my brain enough to let some of the negativity melt. Then I began to stretch my arms, neck, and back to get some blood flowing (always makes me feel better). Lastly I began positive affirmations such as: My anxiety is making me feel this way. I am safe and okay. I can breath.

Within a few minutes of doing this, my level of rushed panic had dropped and I was on my way to safety. It wasn't until I got home however, that I completely let the adrenaline in my body flood back out. When I got home I continued to destress my mind and body by jotting some thoughts and feelings I've had throughout the day that could have led to this outbreak of panic. I then lit one of my favorite candles, listened to a few of my favorite songs, and laid quietly with myself and some more positive affirmations.

The POWER of the brain and POSITIVITY is amazing. Give it the right fuel and you can with out a doubt have a very well oiled machine. Does it take work? Sure! But it's much better having to actively work on the positive everyday, then living in negativity and being distraught all day, everyday. This chart shows how panic can creep into your system, and helps me visualize it better, and how to stop it in its tracks more concisely.

So feeling off, sad, or panicked this week or ever? Go find what works for you! Start with our challenge of journaling to better understand your triggers and way of thinking! BE PROACTIVE! Also please feel free to comment, private email, or share your stories of anxiety and panic with us!

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