Monday, October 29, 2012

Food Triggers

Hey there everybody hope you are all doing well and working on some of our challenges! One challenge and experiment I've been doing in my own life is working with and seeing how food has been affecting my body.

Food is such an essential part of our lives and sometimes within the busy combines of our daily routines, watching what we put in our bodies, and how our bodies in turn react goes to the wayside. There are extrememly strong ties to the way food affects our bodies both physically and mentally. Unfortunately all of the fatty, sugary, goodness that is put in front of us driving down the road, on our flat screen tv's, and in the corner of our very own cabinets is no good for our mental states.

Foods high in sugars, caffine, and carbohydrates all affect our bodies in a negative way, especailly when eaten often or in bulk amounts. Ever wonder why you feel sluggish, foggy, and/or loppy after a weekend of binging? Well it's your bodies way of telling you....this is NOT okay!! Sugars and carbs take a ton of our energy stored inside of us to break them down and they bog down our systems. These then can spike our sugar and insulin levels as well as set off different hormones in our body that send our brain mixed signals.

In my experiment as of now, I have clearly noticed a difference in my overall mood, energy level, and state of alertness depending on my eating habits. I was eating quite terribly for quite some time due to having little time to prepare proper meals and being over worked and stressed (defenses that make your system crash evern harder.) I finally put my foot down and started to change out things in my diet. I tried starting every day with a smoothie of some sort! It's a great way to pack in a ton of nutrients that will fuel you mind and body for the start of your day, and keep you feeling satifsied. When I was having a sweet tooth attack, especially in the beginning I had a handful of dark chocolate covered almonds to satiate my sweet tooth but pack in some protein. All of these minute changes started to get me on the right track. It's amazing how much 'lighter' you can feel when you watch how you fuel your brain, nervous system, and your overll body. It may not happen over night, but if you listen to and follow what your body is telling you, you will begin to feel more at east because when you have the right fuel you are not setting off the wrong triggers and sending your body into a tizzy!!

I just wanted top touch base on this food trigger process, and well later this week send some great links for tips, inspiration, and other ideas to helps wrap pur brains around the importance of food and diet.

I want everyone to add some aspect of there diet into their journal. I like to make note of anything I notice that changes or newly pops up and what I ate prior to that so that I may link the effects. Did you have a giant bowl of M n M's Friday night and by Sunday you could barely function or had a panic attack? Could you body be telling you something?

☮- M

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