Sunday, October 21, 2012

Music to My Ears

Just wanted to say HELLO to everyone and share my thought of the evening....

Music is part of all of our lives to some extent, and there is NO doubt that it makes us feel. It can make us feel happy, sad, hopeful, or even mad at any given time. That being said my newest mission is to make myself a playlist. I will name this playlist BLISS, because my goal is to feel completely and utterly calm and thoughtful when listening to the songs on this list. I have been slowly jotting songs down when I hear them, or texting myself the name of something I hear while out and about! Some of these songs are ones that I have long loved for some reason, whether for its mellow beats, the lyrics, or just one single line. While others are new songs that catch my ear and make me feel at peace. I wanted to share this with everyone, because I know there are a ton of other music lovers out there, and I would love to share this idea! Not only that but I would love to hear some of the songs that others find helpful in guiding themselves to their happy place. :)

I'm off to relax, stretch, and listen to some music before hitting the hay...hope all are at ease this evening!

☮ - M


  1. I read a study a while ago that said music is one of the fastest ways to change our mood. I so agree! One of my favorite songs is really short and simple, but always effective at pulling me up....It is called Face Up by Ted Lennon with Jack Johnson.

    My favorite line "Life is what you make it, one day at a time."

  2. Love it! I will have to give it a little listen. :) Thanks for sharing! That line is GREAT...we certainly do have the power to change our thoughts and moods, not only with music but with positive thoughts as well.
