Friday, October 12, 2012

Kick off CHALLENGE...

That's right! A challenge!

Each Friday we will post a challenge, nothing too crazy, but little exercises you can try to help alleviate some of your anxiety symptoms. All the challenges are things that we will be doing with you or have done and have found tremendous anxiety relief from. Come and join along with us communicate how it might be working for you....or how it isn't!

So here it is...

THE KICK OFF CHALLENGE: Let's JOURNAL! It is proven that journaling slows down the mind so that you can really understand how you are thinking! When we start to slow down our mind our mind can rest and things become much clearer. So challenge yourself to start journaling! Get it out, write it down, release it...

...NOW, if you have tried this before and it hasn't worked...simply...try it again with US (M and C) and we will keep you accountable. Check in with us and we will check in with you. It is as simple as putting pen to paper...our mind is what makes it out to be much more!


1. Get a pen.

2. Get some paper.

3. Place the pen onto the paper and begin to let it flow. (tip: you could simply draw something for your first journal entry, listing what you did that day or how you felt, making up an imaginative story or character who is playing YOU, or even write the date down each day)

Our mind is what makes journaling look like a task so don't think about it just do it! :)

We have both set a goal to journal once a day so we will be there right alongside you. Ask us questions and share with us how it is working for you. 

Let it FLOW....



  1. Love it! Great challenge. I have had a journal since I was about 12 years old. For the past 21 years I have documented my internal struggles with anxiety and depression. What an amazing coping tool. Sometimes it is hard to look back at such a roller coaster ride that my soul has taken, but I am also amazed how much I have learned about myself and life. In the earliest years my journal is very sad. While I was struggling with grief and losing a friend to suicide I needed the space to reflect and release my thoughts safely. As years passed my sadness turned into overwhelming anxiety. About everything. My journal changed too. Now I am in a much better space. My entries reflect a more positive and grateful being. I know that my roller coaster ride is far from over, but having my journal is sure to reconnect me to me when I start to lose touch and my anxiety wants to get the best of me.

  2. AMAZING! Love that you have had a journal for so long, I only wish I knew the comfort and release it brought so many years ago! The fact that you look at it as a 'space' to release your thoughts safely is great! The pages of your journal are for let all of it out, good, bad, happy, sad! Thank you for sharing a bit of your back story as well, very sorry for the life situations and struggles you have been given. But it is truly awesome to see how journaling has helped with everything. :)
